Discover how to modify your behavior, so you can effectively connect with everyone by treating them the way they want to be treated.
What if you had an enhanced 360° view of the world? In other words, imagine having the ability to process the collective perceptions of how others see you. Often times, the way we perceive ourselves and the way others perceive us are two very different things. Even experienced business leaders will persist in communication and organizational practices with the belief that everyone recognizes their "obvious" intentions, while overlooking costly misinterpretations that stem from different behavioral styles. These handicaps have always been unfortunate workplace inefficiencies that couldn't be resolved — until now.
The Communication Styles assessment provides what is termed 360° functionality. A 360° assessment enables the user to compare their own self assessment results with the "observer assessments" compiled anonymously by dozens (even hundreds) of his/her colleagues. The result? An insightful report that bridges the gap between intention and perception. The Communication Styles user is enlightened and equipped with the knowledge to avoid the behavioral misunderstandings that can trigger workplace discord and interpersonal conflict.
How valuable would it be to know exactly how your co-workers, direct reports, supervisors and clients perceive you? Do you think it might substantially increase your compatibility with others? Do you think it might measurably improve workplace communication and efficiencies? Decades of social science research tell us that the answer is YES.
Invite anyone to take the same assessment you just took— but anonymously— on your behalf. You simply type in the first name and email address of business colleagues, clients, friends and family; that’s it... We do the rest! We send your desired observers an email note inviting them to complete an anonymous “observer assessment” of your social style.
Once all of these “observer assessments” are compiled by our system, you are able to view your own Communication Styles eGraph that plots all the different ways people anonymously assessed you. You’ll gain incredible insights by contrasting how your colleagues see you at-large, versus how you had perceived yourself.
The DISC 360º allows individuals to enhance the traditional DISC self-assessment by using the same questionnaire with observers providing their perspective of your behavior and emotions. You can compare and contrast what you think you are doing and what they experience to determine what may support or hinder your effectiveness.
Discover DISC 360° →The EIQ 360º reveals how one’s perceived emotional intelligence in four key areas compares to observer feedback. It highlights the ways we may think we recognize and manage emotions effectively, but fall short with others. With this insight, you will be able to examine if and how your EIQ matches what others perceive.
Discover EIQ 360° →The Leadership Effectiveness 360° measures current leadership strengths and areas of improvement in eight of the top competencies that distinguish exceptional leaders. Additionally, these competencies are examined not just through their own eyes, but also through the eyes of their peers, managers, and direct reports.
Discover Leadership Effectiveness →It’s always best to begin with the self. Self-Recognition is the foundation to Self-Management because if we don’t understand it, how can it be managed? Social awareness and building strong relationships with others spring from our understanding of self. All four of the quotients are interrelated and will impact each other. Therefore, if Self-Recognition is strong, we are more likely to appropriately understand and interact with others.
Absolutely! For some it may seem “touchy-feely” or “too emotional,” but EIQ goes so far beyond just the soft skill applications. High EIQ benefits our communication, decision-making, leadership abilities, sales, teamwork and team performance, productivity, relationship satisfaction, customer service, conflict management and overall effectiveness! Who wouldn’t want that at work?
There are a few different reputable models of EIQ out there, and you may find that some speak to you and your needs (personally or professionally) in ways that others may not. We encourage you to explore the options available and really dive into the details and application of the report before you make a judgment about how it will work for you. What seems simple and easy on the surface can uncover a wealth of knowledge and powerful learning opportunities that impact how we understand and manage our emotions and relate to the emotions of others in a way that works. (P.S. We’re pretty sure ours is best!)