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CEO Update, Brandon Parker 4th Quarter 2022

Posted 2 years ago

My final CEO update of 2022 is all about what’s ahead for Assessments 24x7 in 2023. My vision for 2023 is this: Make DISC Our Focus. Now, for the D’s out there, maybe that’s all the information you need (done, let’s do this, get some results), but I’ll go into a bit more detail for the rest of you.

The idea of centering our business around DISC has been on my mind a lot over the past year. I believe that success (whatever the goal may be) can be achieved when DISC is the foundation of all that we do.

Beyond using DISC within our business, I have recently been mindful of integrating DISC concepts into all aspects of my life. You name it, I integrate DISC– coaching our local lacrosse team, interactions with my daughter, her school and theater friends, my homeowner's association, and personal relationships.

I discovered something we should have already realized– that implementing DISC concepts results in breakthroughs everywhere; increased productivity, more laughter, and improved relationships. I have especially loved watching the light bulbs go on in the heads of the kids– so impactful and fun!

As I sit at my desk and observe the status of the assessment industry and interact with our clients and partners, my thoughts return to DISC.

My plan for the upcoming year is to put a much greater focus on DISC in our company. To be clear, we are not removing any of our current assessments. If you are a regular user of another assessment or report, don’t worry, they are still available and will continue to be available to you, but we are going to make some changes and want our extended Assessments 24x7 family (that’s you!) to know what’s up!

Here are the basics of the plan:

  • We’ll review our products to determine how to tie them to DISC. Some of our assessments, like Emotional Intelligence, Motivators, and the Hartman Value Profile, are already valuable and powerful sources of data. However, what can we do to improve them in relation to DISC? How can DISC bring more power to these assessments?
  • In the future, your favorite assessments may get major upgrades via a more in-depth connection with DISC. Emphasizing the foundation of communication and adaptability when it comes to behavioral styles can bring more power to all that we offer.
  • Our sales and support teams will emphasize DISC on our calls, ensuring that prospective clients understand our passion for DISC and how it can empower communication in their businesses.  Even those who use (or have clients who use) competitors' assessments can benefit. Not to suggest that they abandon alternate assessments (they might be great), but let’s consider how those other assessments can be improved with DISC as the foundation.
  • Our training team will work on connecting DISC with our existing assessments, truly integrating them. We’ll also take a look at all our training materials and offerings to see what additional improvements we can implement to support this vision.
  • Marketing will focus on messaging DISC as the foundation, whether it is a stand-alone product or used in tandem with other assessments. Website updates are already in the works. Everything we push to the world will have some correlation back to DISC.
  • Our development team has already started updating the design of our reports and has outlined numerous modifications to the dashboards as we continue our improvement efforts.
  • Finally, we will continue to support our assessment technology platform where we manage custom assessments, dashboards, and specific custom systems for our clients and partners in the industry. Continued expansion and improvement is the goal as we build more global divisions and additional server environments outside the US to support our international clients.

To summarize, what I envision for our future involves continuing our current service and product line with a renewed focus on DISC as the foundation of everything we do.

I want to offer the very best assessments, training, support, and service possible. You can’t go wrong with a solid platform based on DISC.  As we have so many other wonderful offerings, we can continue to build from the foundation of DISC and bring more to you and your clients.

I hope this gives you more insight into where we are going as a company for 2023 and beyond. Best wishes and happy holidays from our Assessments 24x7 team!