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DISC Awareness

Experience a seamless integration of DISC and Emotional Intelligence (EI), offering a comprehensive understanding of communication styles, observable behavior, and EI insights, shaping powerful interpersonal dynamics.

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Enhancing Communication
with DISC Awareness

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The DISC Awareness tool synergizes DISC assessment results with Emotional Intelligence, offering deep insights into behavioral styles, facilitating the recognition of others' styles, and enhancing adaptability in communication. This integrated approach empowers individuals to engage effectively with emotions, fostering more meaningful interactions and refined communication strategies.

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Discover Your

rapport disc Gain insights with Emotional Intelligence (EI) by exploring the relationship with your DISC styles.
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rapport disc Deepen your awareness of key Emotional Intelligence components & talents.
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rapport disc Identify strengths and areas for development based on your EI and style.
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rapport disc Utilize a structured framework to foster personal and professional growth.


d circle

High D styles are naturally higher in Goal-Directed Performance, but lower in Self-Awareness, as they focus on tasks and outcomes more than the self.

i circle

High I styles are naturally higher in Teamwork & Collaboration, as they thrive in social interactions and connection with others, but lower in Self-Control and Discipline, as they are energized by new and exciting pursuits rather than routine, dedication, and follow-through.

s circle

High S styles are naturally higher in Empathy, Sensitivity, and Appreciation because they are so supportive and focused on relationships with others, but naturally lower in Change Catalyst, because they do not like sudden changes and value stability and predictability.

c circle

High C styles are naturally higher in Connections of Cause & Effect because they are very attentive to the details, perceived risks, and weighing positive and negative considerations. They are naturally lower in Interpersonal Development because they pay more attention to the tasks and details over the dynamics of people and relationships.

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Benefits of Learning & Applying
DISC Awareness Concepts

rapport disc Increase commitment & cooperation
rapport disc Build effective teams
rapport disc Resolve & prevent conflict
rapport disc Gain endorsement, credibility, & rapport
rapport disc Increase sales
rapport disc Understand interpersonal communication & behavior
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Our assessments are leading by example with independent validation meeting APA, EEOC, AERA, and NCME standards. Our goal is to ensure the trust of both our members and end-users alike by providing the most accurate and reliable assessments available. This is why we believe in a policy of total transparency, with every study's report available for your review, and to be shared with your clients and colleagues. In an apples-to-apples comparison, we believe our assessments and reports will prove to be the top choice among industry professionals who value accuracy, compliance, and objectivity.