In collaboration with Take Flight Learning, Assessments 24x7 is proud to offer the "Which Bird Are You?" guides. This product enables teachers to help children enhance their social and emotional skills as they discover what makes them special.
The Which Bird Are You?: Ten-Lesson Curriculum for Teaching Personality in the Classroom Teacher’s Guide & Teacher’s Supplemental Materials teaches 8 to 12-year-old children about the four styles we call Eagles, Parrots, Doves, and Owls. The birds bring personality to life with imagery that is instantly recognizable and memorable. The Which Bird Are You? Teacher’s Guide makes it easy for teachers to lead ten fun and interactive lessons to help children learn about the styles, themselves, and others.
$99.00 $50.00 FREE SHIPPING
In the first lesson, students discover the four bird styles in the read-aloud book, Flight School. In the next four lessons, students learn about the Eagle, Parrot, Dove, and Owl styles. In the next four lessons, students learn how to answer the four questions of The Chameleon Code found in the book, Which Bird Are You?. The questions include: Which bird are you?, Is my bird at its best?, Which bird are they?, and What would the Chameleon do?. In the final lesson, students review and summarize their learning about the styles and themselves.
The Teachers’ Guide will enable teachers to help children enhance their social and emotional skills as they discover what makes them special. As teachers learn about the four styles, they will learn how to flex their teaching style to match the personality needs of their students. In addition, they will learn to create an engaging and inclusive environment for all students.
Shipping is only available to the United States.
Dimensions: 11 × 8.5 × .4 in
Weight: .4 lbs